Plus updates and a new pack
On January 12th, Call of Duty released the Pacific Warzone Reload Update, which gave players the new Welgun SMG and balances changes to the game's weapons. Despite the new update, players of the game have still been reporting issues such as glitches in the gulag, out of map issues, and a lot more. But despite this update, console players have reported an entirely new issue that leaves them in a crash loop.
Posted on Reddit by u/geTplasterd, the new Warzone update has seemed to have broken the game, leaving the console players frozen on the Ricochet anti-cheat screen.
This then freezes and crashes the game. This has only been an issue on the Xbox consoles. This shortly occurred after a mid-season patch, causing many Xbox players to stop playing the game altogether.
Another Redditor posted on the thread; "Playstation 5 User here…same but with the crash at the end. Playstation is a brick after 10 Secs." -Swarley_x86
Console players are finding this extremely annoying and frustrating, due to the fact that they have to load the game multiple times just to get one game in. Many players have reported that uninstalling the extra add ons and just keeping the base game solves the issue but this, unfortunately, doesn't work for all console players.
But in lighter and more exciting news, Call of Duty has announced a new pack for both Warzone and Vanguard. This pack will be a crossover with Attack on Titan due to celebrate the final series along with Call of Duty's big update. The new pack will include a set of Attack on Titan Cosmetics, which includes gun bits and operator skins. I personally don't know how to feel about this pack, since I've never seen the show but it's a bit weird and confusing.
Since announcing the new Call of Duty Update, which will feature a new operator, a new weapon, and new features for the Zombie mod, there are also including a 20 pack of Attack on Titan items. This pack will feature a new Operator known as the Daniel Yatsu cosplay, who is extremely well known in the Attack on Titan series. This pack will set you back 2400CP, which is either $16.79 or $19.00. Expensive? Yes.
Watch the trailer below and let us know what you think of the new pack!